Saturday, September 15, 2012

Office 365 Pricing

Below is a screen shot of pricing for Office 365 from Microsofts website, (  If you're interested they also have a 'plan advisor tool' you can use to figure out what plan would meet your needs.  

Link to Office 365 Free Trial

If you'd be interested in finding out how Office 365 works, watching a demo, or if you'd like to try out Office 365, please click on the following link.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Added Links for Microsoft 365 & Fish to blog

I've just posted a few links I found, on the right hand side of the home page of this blog, make sure you take a look at them. 

Also, please don't forget to feed the fish under the links before you leave my blog, simply click the water. 

Screenshots of Microsoft Office 365

Attached are a three screenshots of  Microsoft Office 365 that I find will be of value to me.


Office 365 vs. Google Docs

In researching I came across an interesting comparison, comparing Office 365 and Google Docs, take a look.  

Link for Office 365 vs. Google Docs

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Pretty Neat

This is the first time I've created a blog.   Pretty Neat!!

Email from Gmail #2

Sending another email to my blog from my gmaili account.    

Email from Gmail

Sending another email to my blog from my gmaili account.    

Testing Email Configuration

I setup my 'posing using email' for  I'm testing to make sure this email makes it to my remote assistance blog. 

Email Test #2

Remote assistance looks like a really neat tool. I'm creating this post to validate it goes to my designated email account,
Remote assistance looks like a really neat tool.  I'm creating this post to validate it goes to my designated email account,

What is Remote Assistance

Remote Assistance is a convenient way for someone in need of help to gain help from another person.  It connects a support person to a person that is in need of assistance on their computer.  I have used remote assistance in both the support role as well as a person in need of help.  My opinion is this is a very helpful tool.  Sometimes what a person is telling a support person and what actually is occurring are two different things.  Having the remote assistance and being able to remote into a person needing help is extremely helpful to both the person supporting and the person helping.  It definitely is a time saver and can eliminate frustration.